
Like Smoke

Rigor Amortis
Edited by Jaym Gates and Erika Holt.
Absolute XPress.
October 1, 2010.

I wrote this flash fiction piece in response to a call on Twitter for an anthology of romantic or erotic fiction involving zombies. It would be easy to be tasteless, even easier to be lazy, but I don't think that's what the editors were looking for. I look forward to reading the rest of the collection, and I'm delighted to have made the cut.


Cate Gardner said...


Johann Carlisle said...

The table of contents now posted at Jaym's blog.

Johann Carlisle said...

The publisher, Absolute XPress's page for Rigor Amortis is now up.

Leoba said...

Congratulations, darling! I look forward to seeing it in print.

Johann Carlisle said...

There's a trailer for the book now up at YouTube: see http://youtu.be/1_WMNFBQqK0

Johann Carlisle said...

Rigor Amortis is now available to order on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/Rigor-Amortis-editors-Gates-Holt/dp/1894817834. The editors have raised a lot of buzz on this the first day, and the book is currently (2100 EDT) at number 39 in the horror charts, so if you're thinking of buying one or more copies (they make great gifts!) don't hold back.